Vite Host Logo

Vite Host

Simple, Fast, & SEO-Optimised Website Host

Launch your website in minutes. It's this simple: upload your files, we handle the rest.

Easy to use

Always fast, globally

free SSL Certificate

free subdomain

CDN built-in

Fast & consistent TTFB

Bot protection included

DDoS protection

automatic Brotli compression

HTTP 2 & 3 supported

URL Redirect Rules

Optimised for SEO

Here's How It Works 👇🏽


Early Adopter

Free, but expect premium plans towards the end of 2024.

3 Websites
2 Custom domains
Free * subdomain
Free SSL Certificate
Unlimited requests
Unlimited & Unmetered bandwidth
Built-in CDN (globally fast)
DDoS & Bot protection included
Need More?

If you need more hosting capabilities or team support, please contact us. We'll be happy to help and inform you when there's more plans available.

Get in touch